塞维利亚是安达卢西亚自治区的首府,西班牙第四大都市,也是西班牙唯一有内河港口的城市。塞维利亚是一座古老的城市,保存着许多气势恢宏的古建筑。 该城还是西班牙国粹“热情的弗拉门戈舞”的发源地。塞维利亚不仅曾经是 《唐璜》,《卡门》的发源地,现在也是西班牙西南部第一大艺术、文化、金融中心。另外,享誉世界的名酒“雪莉酒”也是产自这里。

Alcázar Royal Palace, Seville
By haideriqbal - Pixabay
塞维利亚王宫是欧洲最古老的皇家宫殿,在1987年是已经被选为世 界文化遗产。王宫修建于中世纪,最早是摩尔人的城堡,后来是伊 斯兰风格、基督教风格和哥特风格的融合,非常能够体现安达卢西 亚本地区的建筑风格。王宫的佩德罗一世宫、卡洛斯五世宫和少女中庭都值得一看。除去建筑,王宫的花园也混合阿拉伯式和哥特式这两种风格,很有看头。

By USA-Reiseblogger - Pixabay

The Poets' Garden
By Yaiza2017 - Pixabay

By Daderot - wikimedia.org, CC0
Pond of Mercury
General Archive of the Indies
This 16th-century Spanish Renaissance building houses the ancient merchants' exchange of Seville, 80 million pages of documents and maps about the Indies illustrating the history of the Spanish Empire in the New World from the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries.

General Archive of the Indies
By Anual - wikimedia.org, CC BY 3.0

By CarlosVdeHabsburgo - wikimedia.org, CC BY-SA 4.0

The Gallery
By Anual - wikimedia.org, CC BY 3.0

Sevilla Cathedral (left side) and Archive of the Indias (right side)
By CEphoto, Uwe Aranas or alternatively © CEphoto, Uwe Aranas, CC BY-SA 3.0
塞维利亚主教堂的所在地原来是一座塞维利亚的大清真寺,之后被改建为天主教堂。哥伦布的灵柩自1898年从古巴运回西班牙后,就被埋葬在教堂的哥伦布墓中。也在1987年被列为世 界文化遗产。

Seville Cathedral
By Gzzz - wikimedia.org, CC BY-SA 4.0

The Giralda Bell Tower
By Tatiana.albani - wikimedia.org, CC BY-SA 3.0

Tomb of Christopher Columbus
By Cloudapple -wikimedia.org, CC BY-SA 4.0

Seville Cathedral
By JAIME PF - Pixabay
塞维利亚斗牛场是西班牙最重要,最传统, 也是最古老的斗牛场,而且每年这里仍然举办斗牛活动。

The main entrance Puerta del Principe (the gate of the Prince) of the bullring of the Real Maestranza de Caballeria, Seville
By David Mark - Pixabay

By David Mark - Pixabay
The Palace of San Telmo (Palacio de San Telmo)
The Palace of San Telmo (Palacio de San Telmo) is a historical edifice built in 17th century, formerly the university for navigators, now is the seat of the presidency of the Andalusian Autonomous Government.

Palace of San Telmo

Palace of San Telmo
By David Mark - Pixabay
By Noelia Gómez - Pixabay
The Plaza de España (Spainish Square)
The Plaza de España (Spainish Square) is a square in the Maria Luisa Park (Parque de María Luisa) , built in 1928 for the Ibero-American Exposition of 1929. This massive building is Seville's most impressive after the cathedral, designed by a local Sevillian architect, Aníbel González. A semicircular layout, with a blend of Baroque, Renaissance and Moorish revival architectural styles and covered with brightly colored painted ceramic tiles. One of the most beautiful squares in the world.

By jacqueline macou - Pixabay
Painted ceramic alcoves with benches were built around the square , each representing a different provinces in Spain.

By Tesa - Pixabay

By Gzzz -wikimedia.org, CC BY-SA 4.0

By Alex B - Pixabay

By swcille Clark Van Der Beken - Unsplash

By Astrid Schmid - Pixabay
Metropol Parasol
Metropol Parasol, is a wooden building in the Encarnación square. It was designed by the German architect Jürgen Mayer-Hermann, and its construction finished in 2011. The building is popularly known as Las Setas de la Encarnación (Incarnation's mushrooms), quite far from the traditional Andalusian style! It claims to be the world's largest wooden structure.
The underground level houses the Antiquarium, where Roman and Moorish remains discovered on site are displayed in a museum. The street level is the Central Market. shaded by the wooden parasols and designed for public events. The higher levels are the panoramic terraces, offering one of the best views of the city centre.

Metropol Parasol
By monezimone - Pixabay

By olivier gobet f-Pixabay
根据字源学, 格拉纳达 (Granada) 的名字可能来自阿拉伯语,也可能来自拉丁语。从这个地名的由来,就可以看出格拉纳达的历史,摩尔人曾经在这片土地 上建立过一个繁华的王国,之后格拉纳达又被天主教统治,特殊的 历史造就了今天的格拉纳达,人们在这里能看到摩尔人修建的宫 殿,也能看到天主教建筑的遗迹。这座融合了穆斯林、犹太教和天主教风格的城市吸引着世界旅行者的目光。

Alhambra Palace, Granada
By Pablo Valerio from Pixabay

Alhambra Palace, Granada

Alhambra Palace, Granada
By Waldo Miguez - Pixabay
By Austin Gardner - Unsplash

By Maatkare - Pixabay

By Frank Nürnberger - Pixabay

Generalife Garden
By Øyvind Holmstad - wikimedia.org, CC BY-SA 4.0

Rose trellis in Generalife
By Øyvind Holmstad - wikimedia.org, CC BY-SA 4.0
龙达(Ronda) 独特的地理位置,立于在山崖边,被称为“悬崖边的白色小镇”。在这天空之城,你将看见绵延无际的平原和惊心动魄的万丈深渊,十分壮观。小镇分为两个部分,由著名的新桥将新城和旧城相连。沿着龙达新桥漫步,一睹塔霍峡谷美妙景色, 令人着迷。这个浪漫与激情共存的小镇,最适合情侣一起相伴携手散步游览。除了新桥,龙达斗牛场也是小镇最为人熟知的景点,这里是西班牙斗牛士的起源地。龙达斗牛场是西班牙最古老的斗牛场。

By Eveline de Bruin - Pixabay

By Joëlle Moreau - Pixabay

By pixabairis - Pixabay