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Nome ufficiale: Republik Österreich


Capitale: Vienna


Forma di governo: Repubblica Democratica


Area: 83.871 km²


Popolazioni: 8,7 milioni di abitanti


Altre città importanti: Innsbruck, Salisburgo, Hallstatt, Graz, Linz


Johann Struss



L'Austria è un paese montagnoso senza sbocco sul mare, noto per il suo pittoresco paesaggio di valli, magnifiche montagne, passi alpini, stazioni sciistiche, foreste sempreverdi, laghi scintillanti, villaggi caratteristici, castelli da fiaba, palazzi grandiosi, sontuosa architettura barocca e il possente fiume Danubio.


  • Historic Centre of the City of Salzburg 

  • Palace and Gardens of Schönbrunn

  • Hallstatt–Dachstein / Salzkammergut Cultural Landscape

  • Semmering railway, Gloggnitz

  • City of Graz – Historic Centre and Schloss Eggenberg

  • Wachau Cultural Landscape

  • Fertö / Neusiedlersee Cultural Landscape

  • Historic Centre of Vienna

  • Prehistoric pile dwellings around the Alps* Attersee, Keutschach, Seewalchen am Attersee, Mondsee 

  • Ancient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe Dürrenstein, Kalkalpen


La capitale imperiale austriaca, Vienna, conosciuta come la "Città della musica", risuona ancora della migliore musica classica del mondo di Mozart, Schubert, Strauss e Beethoven. La bella Staatsoper è uno dei teatri lirici più importanti del mondo. La Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra e The Vienna Boys 'Choir sono tra i migliori al mondo! È anche famoso per la scuola di equitazione spagnola e i suoi famosi cavalli lipizzani e ... Arnold Schwarzenegger!



La maggior parte dei principali monumenti viennesi, imponenti edifici imperiali e palazzi splendidamente decorati come il palazzo del Parlamento austriaco, Hofburg e l'Opera di Vienna sono ammassati lungo la Ring Road, che un tempo era il confine delle mura della città vecchia. Ci sono ottimi mercati, fantastici ristoranti e suggestivi caffè viennesi si trovano lungo il viale. Riposa i tuoi piedi stanchi, goditi il caffè viennese locale e la sachertorte in uno dei caffè della strada mentre decidi dove visitare dopo.

Palace and Gardens of Schönbrunn

From the 18th century to 1918, Schönbrunn was the residence of the Habsburg emperors. Maria Theresa, Emperor Franz Joseph, Empress Si Si  once resided here. It is a remarkable Baroque ensemble and is full of outstanding examples of decorative art. Schönbrunn Palace, together with its magnificent gardens and the world's oldest zoo, were put on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Site.  It is one of Austria’s most important cultural assets, and has been one of Vienna’s major tourist attractions, drawing millions of visitors each year.

Vienna woods

Immerse yourself in the world of the Vienna Woods (Wienerwald) with its lush meadows, green idyll forests,

meandering paths, impressive buildings and the very special Viennese charm. The Vienna Woods is a recreational paradise full of action and history, music and wine.

Composers such as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Franz Schubert, Johann Strauss and Ludwig van Beethoven

were inspired by the Vienna woods. A popular destination for hikers! 

Vienna woods host Europe’s largest underground lake. Take a boat ride to explore the underground Seegrotto.

Mayerling  Lodge

The imperial hunting lodge of Mayerling is the former hunting lodge of Crown Prince Rudolf and the original setting of the tragedy in 1889, where the Habsburg Crown Prince Rudolf and his mistress Vetsera took place. It was said that Rudolph shot Vetsera and then committed suicide. However, their death is still under mysterious circumstances.

Following the tragedy, Emperor Franz Josef I immediately converted the hunting lodge in a Karmelite monastery.

Heiligenkreuz Abbey

Heiligenkreuz Abbey, a Cistercian monastery founded in 1133, making it the oldest continuously occupied monastery in the world. Visit its Medieval cloisters, where you'll find the tombs of the last members of the Babenberg dynasty.

Baden bei Wien

This elegant spa town  is the oldest spa town in Austria, which was once a favorite country retreat of Beethoven.

His residences is now a museum and open to public. It is famous for its beneficial sulphurous mineral springs with a natural temperature of up to 36 degree Celsius. The curative water is the basis for numerous treatments,

wellness or just bathing fun!