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Image by Dmitry Shamis

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Nome ufficiale: Magyar Koztarsasag (Repubblica di Ungheria)


Capitale: Budapest


Forma di governo: democrazia parlamentare


Valuta: fiorino (HUF)


Superficie: 93.030 km²


Polpolazione: 10 milioni


Altre città importanti: Lago Balaton, Szentendre, Eger, Gyor

By Go Travelling, Public Domain

L'Ungheria è un paese con una cultura diversa e colorata e una storia frenetica. Gli ungheresi sono orgogliosi delle loro tradizioni. Hanno una delle tradizioni popolari più ricche ed è ancora viva in Europa.


Il comunismo in Ungheria terminò il 1989 e il paese divenne una repubblica parlamentare. È entrato a far parte della NATO nel 1999 e nell'UE cinque anni dopo.


Budapest, la capitale, è conosciuta come Parigi in Oriente, attraversata dal possente fiume Danubio, con monumenti famosi come la collina del castello medievale di Buda e l'Avenida Pest's Andrassy, il palazzo neogotico del Parlamento e il Ponte delle Catene del XIX secolo correndo in cima al Danubio.

1. Buda Castle District

This holds the city's medieval sites, with Buda Castle and the remains of the original Roman town Aquincum. It was declared as World Heritage in 1987.


2. Banks of the Danube

This includes the Parliament House(1884-1904) and the Chain Bridge (1849). The Banks of Danube was listed as World Heritage together with the Buda Castle District in 1987.


3. Andrássy Avenue

Andrássy Avenue was added in the year 2002 to the World Heritage list and this  include the Opera, Millennium Park and the Underground Railway, the first underground in Continental Europe and has been operational since 1896.




Principessa Sissi

Imperatrice d'Austria e regina d'Ungheria per matrimonio con l'imperatore Francesco Giuseppe I.


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The Shoes on the Danube Bank

The "Shoes on the Danube Bank" is a memorial in Budapest, conceived in 2005 by film director Can Togay with sculptor Gyula Pauer to honor the Jews who were killed by fascist Arrow Cross militiamen in Budapest during World War II. There are sixty pairs of period-appropriate iron shoes located along the Pest side of the Danube Promenade.



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By Nikodem Nijaki -, CC BY-SA 3.0
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By Moshe Harosh - Pixabay
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By Eric Lansaw - Pixabay 


Situated on the right bank of the river Danube, Esztergom marks the border between Slovakia and Hungary. Known as the royal city , it is the place where St Stephen, the first King of Hungary was crowned at the start of the 11th century.



Basilica Esztergom

The Basilica of Esztergom is the seat of the Catholic Church in Hungary. It is dedicated to the Saint Mary of the Assumption and Saint Adalbert. It is the largest church and the tallest building in Hungary.


Esztergom Medieval Castle

The medieval castle of Esztergom, built in the 10th and 11th centuries, was the royal seat until 1249. It is the symbol of Hungarian Christianity. It was enlarged in the early Gothic style and later hosted Renaissance artists.


Széchényi  Square

Széchényi  Square, Esztergom’s central Square was the scene of the Medieval marketplace and is walled by Baroque, Rococo and Neoclassical buildings.


The Bridge of Mary Valerie (Most Márie Valérie)

The Bridge of Mary Valerie joins Esztergom in Hungary and Štúrovo in Slovakia, across the River Danube. The bridge is about 509 metres in length. It is named after Archduchess Marie Valerie of Austria (1868–1924), the fourth child of the Emperor of Austria-Hungary, Franz Josef and Elisabeth. Built in 1895, partially destroyed in 1944, restored in 2001.


A pretty Baroque city located at the meeting point of three rivers, the Danube, Rába and Rábca, GyÅ‘r is often known as the “City of Rivers.” Gyor is the third richest city in Hungary for historic monuments after Budapest and Sopron. It is filled with Baroque architectures and the golden statues. Strolling among the beautifully restored buildings, squares and the old company signs on the houses,  it’s easy to imagine that you’ve travelled back in time.


What could be a better activity in the ‘city of rivers’ than bathing? The thermal water of GyÅ‘r has been known for long due to its beneficial effects. There are many Thermal spa centers in the city,  where you can enjoy the fun brought by natural hot springs.



Vienna Gate Square (Bécsi kapu tér)

One of the most beautiful Baroque squares in Hungary, is where many of Győr's most important landmarks and historical attractions reside. The square itself is dominated by the beautiful Carmelite Church, which dates back to the early part of the 18th century. At the corner, is the 16th century Altabak-house with its two beautifully decorated corner bay windows and is one of the oldest homes in town as well as one of the most beautiful examples of early Baroque architecture.



Széchenyi  Square 

The main town square, has been functioning as a market square since the 14th century. The square is also where the Saint Ignatius of Loyola Benedictine Church and Monastery are located. The church built between 1634 and 1641 for the Jesuits who settled down in Gyor in 1627.



Győr Cathedral

Located on Káptalan Domb (Chapter Hill), the Cathedral boasts foundations from the 11th century, was changed and fortified throughout the years, so has a mixture of architectural styles , from Gothic, Neo-classical to Romanesque element.  



New City Hall

Next, visit the icon of the town, the New City Hall, busiest spot in Gyor, dominates a large square flanked by many fountains.


For history buffs, the Zichy Palace, the Esterházy Mansion, János Xántus Museum are full of ancient treasures……
